Yule Day 7

Today was interesting day. I woke up and was charged a bit before my coffee. Today was a lot like most of this represented to me …it was so cloudy and stormy that I couldn’t tell if it was day or night. I feel like how most of this year has been. It has really […]

Day 27: Moving on from your Past

I have lived within a 20 mile radius all of my life. . . So it’s hard to get away from places I grew up with. It’s ironic that the town I grew up in has evolved more than I have. . . Changing and taking out buildings and schools. . . Nothing is constant. […]

Day 21 Being Stuck

Lately what is worst than depression or anxiety is feeling stuck. The idea of being stuck makes my depression and anxiety worse. . . it’s working in a maze, but I cannot find the exits. I sit between four yellow walls: the more I see yellow, the more I cannot stand the color. Even just […]

Day 14: Random Rant: Twist your view

Everyone has their own angle on their life. Some may see you need to be productive and show your work. Others may have an answer without showing such work. Some may have to find the answer in a book, others may need a lecture or video, and another group may need to have the answers […]

Tarot Lesson 1: I’m in my own way

You are bound by your own circumstances: You are in your own way. I am limiting myself.I need stop, focus, and take things step by step or I will be overwhelmed. I am giving myself excuses.Excuses I use: Knee Pain, it does hurt to walk, but I need to walk through the pain. (Others work […]