Full moon spread

My cards were Ace of Swords, 4 of swords (reversed), 5 of cups, and 9 of cups (Reversed). I had a few very interesting days and these cards basically confirm it.  I need stop the overthinking (wish I knew how?)I’m lacking progress, because I keep isolating myself. I need people in my life, but I’m […]

Yule Day 3 Hope

Today I’m focusing on hope. Hope has been very complicated for me this year. I haven’t pushed down a bit this year and yet I have pushed through.. We lost a family friend this year, but I have hope she is watching over us. I felt she was our family human angel, but she fought […]

Birthday Tarot readings

Main picture is the confetti birthday my brother and mom helped me make for my birthday. Many sites like tarot.com or locus tarot give free readings on your Birthday. I also did my reading…. Some of the cards I got …. (Note: The Deck is the picture is the Gummy Bear Deck.) Some of the […]

Tarot Spread Ideas

I’m constantly trying to learn more about Tarot and Oracle. However I feel I’m stuck in a few situations, and I feel I’m frustrating my tarot cards with asking the same questions. So I tried to research and look for different angles to look at my situation, and how I read the cards. (I also […]

Tarot readings

I have been trying my best to do daily tarot reading, but this last week between extreme cleaning, doctor appointments, and errands I have not gotten many readings done. However I use the Running Press Tarot and 3 of Wands is one of the writer’s and creativity cards. I was in the middle of cleaning […]

Day 15. Tarot: my favorite card, favorite spread

I have been in and out of Tarot, for well over 15 years. I will admit it’s a Tarot has been a very accurate and draining tool. In my life, I’ve had four decks and I currently own two. Two of them were lost in a move. (Technically, my mom loved my Gummy Bear Deck.) […]


Obsessions or bad habits, there is a fine line. I technically have two. . . Instagram and asking the Tarot cards repeating questions . . . Instagram is good for watching video of cute kitties and panda bear and getting funny memes of astrology. It’s not bad when you want to relax after a hard […]

My enlightenment from Youtube

I have been interested in palm readings, tarot reading and even Oracle, Rune, and tea leaf readings. Many out there are vague or they are learning. (Watch out for the fake readers and scammers out there. There are some people who look at your profile and they think they can add a fact and really […]

No Direction

I feel like my life is current 8 of Swords …the basic the person is surrounded by swords, but there way between and there are ways to get out. However the person is blindfold. The meaning behind the card, you are in your own away. You are the only reason you are not moving forward. […]