Day 15. Tarot: my favorite card, favorite spread

I have been in and out of Tarot, for well over 15 years. I will admit it’s a Tarot has been a very accurate and draining tool.

In my life, I’ve had four decks and I currently own two. Two of them were lost in a move. (Technically, my mom loved my Gummy Bear Deck.) I have a basic deck that I had gotten after my ex Tom had died. A friend of the family gave it to us, because they had it saved for him, but they knew that I read the cards and didn’t want to have them go to waste. I also currently have a Supernatural Deck. (Sam and Dean are the fools.)

I do believe that the cards can get tainted. They need to be blessed and cleansed . . . I do this over a candle.

Anyway, my favorite deck so far (although I have been a fan of each of my decks). . . was the Quest Deck by Joseph Ernest Martin. The book that came with it was 288 pages.

It was my 29th birthday and I told my guy (ex Tom) that I wanted a Tarot deck for my birthday. We went to a local mystic/occult shop called The Crystal Era. (It is still there and if I had a ride, I would visit more often.) Anyway, I wanted a cat deck or the Gummy Bear deck in which at the time they didn’t have either deck. I was looking around. (My birthday is in December, so we had tight budget with holiday and all.) I was looking for a Tarot and a box fell at my feet, I looked at the Quest deck and put it back as it was only 5 dollars over my budget. I look around the store and go back to the desks and again this box had fell at my feet. I put it back after looking at the back of the box. I looked at the display case and third time walked back by the decks and the box fell at my feet. The Cashier said that it had fallen three times, it was a sign and gave me a discount. Looking back, I felt the deck found me. (Note: The creator stopped making more as I read that he recreating the deck.) However the cards were very vivid and colorful. There were gems, letters, and runes on the cards as well. I could analyze a single card for hours. At first, I would get easily drained just doing a simple reading. But I will never forget how it called to me. . . falling at my feet. I feel bad that I had lost the deck in the move. (However within a four year period, I had moved six times. I lost majority of my belongings as well as pieces of myself.)

My favorite card used to be Wheel of Fortune, but I don’t feel I am ever balanced enough to enjoy it. I’m not sure if that makes sense, but there are always chaos and battles in my head. However I have a victory card for my current favorite card which is 6 of Wands .. . “The one who seeks, shall fine.” (From site Tarotingle)

I used a few websites when I analyze my readings. . . .

and for advice I use

I also like She has courses for learning Tarot.

I honestly have not found a reading/spread that is my favorite, but I use the ten card spread: Celtic cross very often.

I also enjoy Knight of Cups, Moon, and 3 of wands all talk about writing..

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