Yule Day 10

I helped with readings, cleaned a bit. I also made kind of simple dinner. I noticed I usually have energy after my coffee, but it last between two to six hours. If I’m lucky. By the time dinner is done, I’m drained. So exhausted that I can’t fight against my negative thoughts. It like my […]

So Far ….2023

It has been a very trying year. I feel 2023 was a year of waiting. I’m not a patient person, so waiting for me is frustrating. The best thing I could do was try to stay busy. My pain in my hands and my head made it very tricky for me. Between medical issues for […]

Planets in Retrograde…Sighs

There are like five or six planets in Retrograde …things are running backwards. https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna89791 Even today write about it. I’m a Sagittarius. … the article said that work for me will not be balanced until all retrogrades are turned over. Which I think will be in Dec 6th (a week before my birthday.) My yearly […]

Day 27: Moving on from your Past

I have lived within a 20 mile radius all of my life. . . So it’s hard to get away from places I grew up with. It’s ironic that the town I grew up in has evolved more than I have. . . Changing and taking out buildings and schools. . . Nothing is constant. […]

Day 18: Overthinking Vs Faith

I think my logic and over-thinking messes up my faith. Logic wants facts, but faith is physically blind. Eventually when you see a statue with of Lady Justice with scale. . . she is blind. However Justice still needs the facts which are logical. So Justice and Faith are both blind? It reminds me of […]