Yule Day 7

Today was interesting day. I woke up and was charged a bit before my coffee. Today was a lot like most of this represented to me …it was so cloudy and stormy that I couldn’t tell if it was day or night. I feel like how most of this year has been. It has really […]


Manifesting is when you think and focus on something so intensely the universe makes it happen. To me it’s a magic all it’s own. I have noticed with the right thinking, I can manifest. Smaller things don’t take that long. I’m good with manifesting food or meals. Like even with a tight budget, I still […]

Day 29: Letters from my inner kid and future self

Six of Cups. . . is the inner child card (It can also mean dealing with kids physically.) I have gotten in several of my readings lately. . .So let me channel my inner kid. . . and her invisible friends. (Lol) Hi. Beck. . . How are you? I am doing OK. I wish […]