Day 29: Letters from my inner kid and future self

Six of Cups. . . is the inner child card (It can also mean dealing with kids physically.) I have gotten in several of my readings lately. . .
So let me channel my inner kid. . . and her invisible friends. (Lol)

Hi. Beck. . . How are you? I am doing OK. I wish I had more candy and play time outside. (Life is short. You need to enjoy the small things in life.) You need to get out more and laugh and color. I like unicorns, rainbows, kitty-cats, and baking. What are you reading? What are you creating (writing?)Have you helped anyone lately? I need to get back to coloring. . .
(I forgot how I would ask so many questions as a kid. LOL). . .

Rebekah. . .
You need to stay positive. . . the light is bright at the end of troublesome tunnel. . . You do meet your guy, our guy (he is still with us). Watch his heart and Cholesterol . . . he needs to keep good care of his ticker. . . You also need to balance work and play more and add sleep somewhere. Sleep and cuddles are just as good sometimes. . . (well, they are what you both need.)
You just need to be a bit more patient, things will come together and you and your family will get out of your situation. You just need to let go of the worry and believe. . . (Laugh, even I worry, but maybe you can worry less. . . or do a release ritual every time you worry. . . Give it to the Goddess Selene. She will help you. St. Michael helps too.
You will find happiness in your own path, just enjoy and be grateful for the small things. They really do add up. You will make each other happy. Stop worrying and overthinking. . . he loves you way more than you will ever know. Laugh and smile more . . . it’s okay to go out. Keep writing. . . stay focused.
He wants to play gotta go. . .
Future Me!

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